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代市长 王荣

第一章 总 则

  第一条 为在工程建设中全面使用预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆,保证工程质量,推进建筑业技术进步和建筑工业化,节约资源,保护环境,根据国务院《建设工程质量管理条例》、《广东省建设工程项目使用袋装水泥和现场搅拌混凝土行政许可规定》、《深圳市建筑废弃物减排与利用条例》等有关法规规定,结合本市实际,制定本规定。
  第二条 本规定适用于本市预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产站点的设立、预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产、销售、运输、使用的监督管理。
  第三条 本规定所称预拌混凝土,是指由水泥、集料、水以及根据需要掺入的外加剂和掺和料等成份按一定比例,经集中计量拌制后通过运输车在规定时间内运至使用地点的混凝土拌合物。
  第四条 市建设行政主管部门(以下简称市建设主管部门)负责全市预拌混凝土生产企业的资质管理,对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的生产、销售和使用进行统一的监督管理。
  第五条 市建设主管部门应当加强预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产和使用的标准化管理。
  第六条 政府鼓励和扶持下列项目:

  第七条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆相关行业协会根据法律、法规和规章的规定,协助市、区建设主管部门加强行业管理,维护行业的合法权益,促进行业健康发展。
第二章 预拌产品生产站点的设立

  第八条 从事预拌混凝土生产的企业,应当依法取得相应的资质。预拌混凝土生产企业应当在资质证书规定范围内组织生产;不得将资质证书转让、租借他人使用。
  第九条 预拌混凝土生产站点(含预拌混凝土生产企业设立不能独立承担民事责任、从事预拌混凝土生产的分支机构)的设立,应当符合相关法律法规、城市规划和行业发展规划的要求。
  第十条 从事预拌砂浆生产的企业和预拌砂浆生产站点(含预拌砂浆生产企业设立不能独立承担民事责任、从事预拌砂浆生产的分支机构)的设立,应当报市建设主管部门备案,并提交如下材料:
  第十一条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产站点的建设(含扩建、搬迁)应当按基本建设程序办理施工许可相关手续,按国家规定配备专项试验室。生产站点建成后,预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当组织相关单位进行竣工验收,并向市建设主管部门办理竣工验收备案。
  第十二条 工商注册地不在本市的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业在本市销售预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的,应当报市建设主管部门备案,并提交如下材料:

  第十三条 实行政府投资工程预选材料供应商名录管理制度。预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业需要向政府投资工程销售预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的,应当按照有关规定,申请加入政府投资工程预选材料供应商名录。
  第十四条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产站点信息和政府投资工程预选材料供应商名录,应当在深圳建设信息网或者有关媒体上公布。
第三章 预拌产品的生产、销售和运输

  第十五条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当建立健全生产管理制度和产品质量保证体系,严格按照有关法律、法规、规章、技术标准和技术规范要求生产预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆,保证产品质量。
  第十六条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当按照有关技术标准、技术规范的要求对进厂原材料进行取样、存样、检验和验收,并对检验和验收资料存档备查。

  第十七条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当严格按照有关技术标准、技术规范、合同等要求设计预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆配合比,并对其设计的配合比负责;应当通过系统试验制定出常用配合比表,配合比表应当定期验证或者根据材料的变化及时修正。
  第十八条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当按照有关技术标准、技术规范和合同的规定对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆进行相关性能的出厂检验,对检验结果进行记录并存档备查,并对所销售预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的质量负责。
  第十九条 市、区建设主管部门、建设工程质量监督机构应当定期或者不定期对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆质量进行检查,并及时在深圳建设信息网或者有关媒体上公布检查结果。
  第二十条 市建设主管部门应当及时采集和发布预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的价格信息。
  第二十一条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产、销售企业应当按照有关规定,向市建设主管部门报送有关统计数据;不按规定报送的,由市建设主管部门依法处理。
  第二十二条 禁止预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业向未取得施工许可证书的工程销售预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆。
  第二十三条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当根据相关规定到公安交警部门为预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆搅拌运输车和混凝土泵车申办临时通行证,并依法进行运输。
  第二十四条 预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业应当保证预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆搅拌运输车和混凝土泵车等工程特种车辆车况良好、车容整洁,并采取相应的防渗漏、防扬散、防噪音等污染防治措施。
第四章 预拌产品的使用管理

  第二十五条 新建、改建、扩建工程项目禁止使用袋装水泥,禁止在施工现场自行搅拌混凝土和砂浆。
  第二十六条 工程项目混凝土需求总量超过10立方米或者一次用量超过5立方米的,均应当使用预拌混凝土。
  第二十七条 袋装水泥使用单位应当依法预缴散装水泥专项资金(以下简称专项资金);未依法预缴的,由市、区建设主管部门依法处理。
  第二十八条 鼓励采用招标方式确定预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业。
  第二十九条 设计单位应当按照有关规定和预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的技术标准,在施工图设计文件中注明所使用的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的性能指标。
  第三十条 施工单位应当保证施工现场道路平整、畅通,为预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的运输、使用提供照明、水源设施、储存池、储存罐的存放位置和其他必要条件。
  第三十一条 施工单位应当按照合同要求、预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆质量管理的有关规定,对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆进行进场验收和有见证取样送检。
  第三十二条 施工单位应当按照预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆有关技术标准、技术规范的要求和预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业提供的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆技术交底资料进行施工,并对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的施工及养护质量负责。
  第三十三条 对施工单位见证取样送检的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆进行检测的建设工程质量检测单位应当具有相应的资质,并对检测结果的真实性负责。检测单位应当在出具检测报告后5个工作日内将检测结果报市、区建设主管部门。
  第三十四条 监理单位应当对施工单位使用预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的情况进行监督。发现违反规定使用袋装水泥或者现场搅拌混凝土和砂浆或者使用不合格预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的,应当予以制止;无法制止的,应当及时向市、区建设主管部门报告。
第五章 法律责任

  第三十五条 建设等部门有下列行为之一的,由本级人民政府或者上级人民政府有关部门或者监察机关依据职权责令改正,通报批评;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予处分;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关处理:
  第三十六条 违反本规定第八条规定,预拌混凝土生产企业有下列行为之一的,由市建设主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处工程合同价款3%的罚款:
  第三十七条 违反本规定第十条规定,从事预拌砂浆生产的企业和预拌砂浆生产站点(含预拌砂浆生产企业设立不能独立承担民事责任、从事预拌砂浆生产的分支机构)的设立未向市建设主管部门备案的,由市建设主管部门责令改正,并处5000元罚款。
  第三十八条 违反本规定第十一条第一款规定,预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业未按基本建设程序经批准建设(含扩建、搬迁)预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产站点的,由相关行政管理部门视具体情形依法取缔或者处罚。
  第三十九条 违反本规定第十二条规定,工商注册地不在本市的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业在本市销售预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆未向市建设主管部门备案的,由市建设主管部门责令改正,并处5000元罚款。
  第四十条 违反本规定第十六条第二款规定,预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业使用未经检验、验收或者经检验、验收不合格的原材料,或者使用未经处理或者经处理不合格的海砂,或者使用立窑水泥或者袋装水泥生产预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并依据《建设工程质量管理条例》规定依法处理。
  第四十一条 违反本规定第十八条规定,预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业未对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆进行相关性能出厂检验的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并依据《建设工程质量管理条例》规定依法处理。
  第四十二条 违反本规定第二十二条规定,预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业向未取得施工许可证书的工程销售预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并按销售的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆量处以预拌混凝土每立方米100元、预拌砂浆每立方米200元罚款。
  第四十三条 违反本规定第二十五、二十六条规定,施工单位违法使用袋装水泥的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并按实际使用袋装水泥量处以每吨100元罚款。
  第四十四条 违反本规定第二十八条第二款规定,建设或者施工单位向不具有相应资质的预拌混凝土生产企业购买预拌混凝土的,或者向未经备案的预拌砂浆生产企业购买预拌砂浆的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并按实际购买的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆量处以预拌混凝土每立方米100元、预拌砂浆每立方米200元罚款。
  第四十五条 违反本规定第三十一条规定,施工单位未对进场的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆进行验收、取样送检的,或者使用未经验收或者验收不合格的预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并依据《建设工程质量管理条例》规定依法处理。
  第四十六条 违反本规定第三十四条规定,监理单位发现施工单位违反规定使用袋装水泥或者现场搅拌混凝土和砂浆或者使用不合格预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆未制止的或者无法制止时未及时向市、区建设主管部门报告的,由市、区建设主管部门责令改正,并处20000元罚款。
  第四十七条 对预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆生产企业违反本规定的行为,由市、区建设主管部门依法作不良行为记录,并予以公示。
第六章 附 则

  第四十八条 本规定自2009年12月1日起施行,市政府1997年7月11日发布实施、2004年8月26日修订的《深圳经济特区预拌混凝土管理规定》同时废止。





第一条 为保障我市城镇企业职工(以下简称职工)退休后的基本生活,根据市人民政府《批转市劳动局(关于改革城镇企业职工养老保险制度的意见)的通知》(津政发〔1993〕28号),制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称城镇企业职工是指津政发〔1993〕28号及有关文件规定参加全市退休费用社会统筹的各类企业的职工。
第三条 职工达到国家规定的离退休年龄,企业和职工个人缴纳基本养老保险费满10年的,从办理离退休手续次月起,按月领取基本养老金,直至死亡为止。
第四条 基本养老金由社会性养老金和缴费性养老金两部分组成。
第五条 按照本办法离退休的人员,除基本养老金以外,每人每月发给补贴70元。另外,按照国家和我市有关规定发放的住房补贴、护理费等继续发放。
第六条 本办法实施后离退休的人员按第四条、第五条规定领取的基本养老金与70元补贴之和,低于原办法计发标准的,其差额部分予以补齐;高于原办法计发标准的,其增加部分最高不得超过原办法计发标准的20%。
第七条 自本办法实施之日起,建立职工基本养老保险个人帐户制度。个人帐户的资金来源为,职工在职期间个人缴费额的50%,以及企业和职工个人月缴费工资超过全市上一年职工月平均工资一定比例部分的缴费额。
第八条 本办法实施后离退休的人员的基本养老金,从离退休后的下一年起,根据市统计局公布的全市上一年职工平均工资增长率的一定比例,每年调整一次。
第九条 职工达到国家规定的退休年龄,企业和职工个人缴纳基本养老保险费不满10年的,只发给一次性养老金,其标准为:缴费满5年不满10年的,每满1年按照本人指数化月平均缴费工资的3个月发给;缴费不满5年的,每满1年按照两个月发给。但对于本办法实施后至19
第十条 实行个人缴纳基本养老保险费前,职工按照国家有关规定计算的连续工龄视同缴费年限,并以区、县劳动行政管理部门审定后的《职工养老保险手册》附页中记载的年限为准;实行个人缴纳基本养老保险费后的实际缴费年限,以社会保险基金经办机构核定后的《职工养老保险
第十一条 本办法实施前已经离休、退休、退职的人员,仍按原待遇标准执行,并按照第八条规定每年进行调整。
第十二条 按照本办法计发的养老金,凡参加全市退休费用社会统筹的,基本养老金纳入统筹;70元补贴由单位在原资金开支渠道列支;70元补贴以外的住房补贴、护理费等仍按照现行有关规定执行,即属于统筹项目的纳入统筹,不属于统筹项目的由单位在原资金开支渠道列支。

第十三条 本办法由市劳动局负责解释并组织实施。
第十四条 本办法自发布之日起执行。1994年10月1日至1994年12月31日离退休的,也按此办法执行。






第一章 总 则
第一条 为促进国民经济的发展,扩大国际经济技术合作,在维护国家主权和经济利益的前提下允许外国企业参与合作开采中华人民共和国海洋石油资源,特制定本条例。
第二条 中华人民共和国的内海、领海、大陆架以及其他属于 中华人民共和国海洋资源管辖海域的石油资源,都属于中华人民共和国国家所有。
第三条 中国政府依法保护参与合作开采海洋石油资源的外国企业的投资、应得利润和其他合法权益,依法保护外国企业的合作开采活动。
第四条 中华人民共和国石油工业部是对外合作开采海洋石油资源的政府主管部门,依据国家确定的合作海区、面积,决定合作方式,划分合作区块;依据国家长期经济计划制订同外国企业合作开采海洋石油资源的规划;制订对外合作开采海洋石油资源的业务政策和审批海上油(气)田的总体开发方案。
第五条 中华人民共和国对外合作开采海洋石油资源的业务,统一由中国海洋石油总公司全面负责。
第六条 中国海洋石油总公司就对外合作开采石油的海区、面积、区块,通过组织招标,采取签订石油合同方式,同外国企业合作开采石油资源。

第二章 石油合同各方的权利和义务
第七条 中国海洋石油总公司通过订立石油合同同外国企业合作开采海洋石油资源,除石油工业部或石油合同另有规定者外,应当由石油合同中的外国企业一方(以下称外国合同者)投资进行勘探,负责勘探作业,并承担全部勘探风险;发现商业性油(气)田后,由外国合同者同中国海洋石油总公司双方投资合作开发,外国合同者并应负责开发作业和生产作业,直至中国海洋石油总公司按照石油合同规定在条件具备的情况下接替生产作业。外国合同者可以按照石油合同规定,从生产的石油中回收其投资和费用,并取得报酬。
第八条 外国合同者可以将其应得的石油和购买的石油运往国外,也可以依法将其回收的投资、利润和其他正当收益汇往国外。
第九条 参与合作开采海洋石油资源的中国企业、外国企业,都应当依法纳税,缴纳矿区使用费。
第十条 为执行石油合同所进口的设备和材料,按照国家规定给予减税、免税,或者给予税收方面的其他优惠。
第十一条 外国合同者应当按照《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例》的规定,开设银行帐户。
第十二条 外国合同者在执行石油合同中,应当使用适用而先进的技术和经营管理经验,并有义务向中国一方执行石油合同的有关人员(以下称中方人员)转让技术,传授经验;在石油作业中必须优先雇用中方人员,逐步扩大中方人员的比例,并应对中方人员有计划地进行培训。
第十三条 外国合同者在执行石油合同中,必须及时地、准确地向中国海洋石油总公司报告石油作业情况;完整地、准确地取得各项石油作业的数据、记录、样品、凭证和其他原始资料,并定期向中国海洋石油总公司提交必要的资料和样品以及技术、经济、财会、行政方面的各种报告。
第十四条 外国合同者为执行石油合同应当在中华人民共和国境内设立分支机构或代表机构,并依法履行登记手续。
第十五条 本条例第三条、第八条、第九条、第十条、第十四条的规定,对向石油作业提供服务的外国承包者,类推适用。

第三章 石油作业
第十六条 作业者必须根据本条例和石油工业部颁布的有关开采石油资源的规定,参照国际惯例,制订油(气)田总体开发方案和实施生产作业,以达到尽可能高的石油采收率。
第十七条 外国合同者为执行石油合同,应当使用中华人民共和国境内现有的基地;如需设立新基地,必须位于中华人民共和国境内。
第十八条 中国海洋石油总公司有权派人参加外国作业者为执行石油合同而进行的总体设计和工程设计。中华人民共和国境内的设计公司在具有竞争力的条件下优先承包上述的总体设计和工程设计。
第十九条 为执行石油合同而需建造的所有设施,包括人工岛、平台、建筑物、构筑物等,在质量、价格、交货期和服务工作具有竞争力的条件下,作业者必须优先同中华人民共和国境内的制造工厂、工程公司签订承包合同。
第二十条 为执行石油合同所需的设备和材料,在具有竞争力的条件下,作业者、承包者都必须优先采购、使用中华人民共和国制造和提供的设备和材料。
第二十一条 为执行石油合同所需的物探、钻井、潜水、飞机、船舶、基地等方面的服务,在价格、效率和服务工作具有竞争力的条件下,作业者、承包者都必须优先同中华人民共和国境内的有关单位签订承包和服务合同。
第二十二条 外国合同者为执行石油合同,除租用第三方的设备外,按计划和预算所购置和建造的全部资产,当外国合同者的投资按照规定得到补偿后,其所有权属于中国海洋石油总公司,在合同期内,外国合同者仍然可以依据合同的规定使用这些资产。
第二十三条 本条例第十三条所规定的各项石油作业的数据、记录、样品、凭证和其他原始资料,其所有权属于中国海洋石油总公司。
第二十四条 作业者和承包者在实施石油作业中,应当遵守中华人民共和国有关环境保护和安全方面的法律规定,并参照国际惯例进行作业,保护渔业资源和其他自然资源,防止对大气、海洋、河流、湖泊和陆地等环境的污染和损害。
第二十五条 石油合同区产出的石油,应当在中华人民共和国登陆,也可以在海上油(气)外输计量点运出。如需在中华人民共和国以外的地点登陆,必须经石油工业部批准。
第二十六条 在战争、战争危险或其他紧急状态下,中国政府有权征购、征用外国合同者所得的和所购买的石油的一部或全部。

第四章 附 则
第二十七条 在合作开采海洋石油资源活动中,外国企业和中国企业间发生的争执,应当通过友好协商解决。通过协商不能解决的,由中华人民共和国仲裁机构进行调解、仲裁,也可以由合同双方协议在其他仲裁机构仲裁。
第二十八条 作业者、承包者违反本条例规定实施石油作业,石油工业部有权提出警告,并限期纠正。如未能在限定的期限内纠正,石油工业部有权采取必要的措施,直至停止其实施石油作业。由此造成的一切经济损失,由责任方承担。
第二十九条 本条例所用的术语,其定义如下:

第三十条 本条例的施行细则由石油工业部制定。
第三十一条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on January 30, 1982)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
In the interest of developing the national economy and expanding
international economic and technological cooperation, these Regulations
are formulated, on the premise of maintaining national sovereignty and
economic interests, to permit foreign enterprises to participate in the
cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum resources of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 2
All petroleum resources in the internal waters, territorial sea and
continental shelf of the People's Republic of China and in all sea areas
within the limits of national jurisdiction over the maritime resources of
the People's Republic of China are owned by the People's Republic of
In the sea areas referred to in the preceding paragraph, all buildings and
structures set up and vessels operating to exploit petroleum, as well as
the corresponding onshore oil (gas) terminals and bases, shall be under
the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Article 3
The Government of the People's Republic of China shall protect, in
accordance with the law, the investments of foreign enterprises
participating in the cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum
resources, the profits due to them and their other legitimate rights and
interests, and shall protect, in accordance with the law, the cooperative
exploitation activities of foreign enterprises.
All activities for the cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum
resources within the scope of these Regulations shall be subject to the
laws and decrees of the People's Republic of China and relevant provisions
of the State; all persons and enterprises taking part in petroleum
operations shall be subject to the laws of China and shall accept
inspection and supervision by the competent authorities concerned of the
Chinese Government.
Article 4
The Ministry of Petroleum Industry of the People's Republic of China shall
be the competent authority in charge of the exploitation of offshore
petroleum resources in cooperation with foreign enterprises, and shall
determine the forms of cooperation and demarcate areas of cooperation in
accordance with the zones and the surface areas of cooperation designated
by the State; it shall work out a plan for the exploitation of offshore
petroleum resources in cooperation with the foreign enterprises in
accordance with long-term state economic plans, formulate operation and
management policies for the cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum
resources and examine and approve the overall development program for
offshore oil (gas) fields.
Article 5
The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) shall have exclusive
and overall responsibility for the work of exploiting offshore petroleum
resources in the People's Republic of China in cooperation with foreign
CNOOC is a state corporation with the status of a legal person and has the
exclusive right to prospect for, develop, produce and market the petroleum
within the zones of cooperation with foreign enterprises.
CNOOC may, as the work requires, establish regional corporations,
specialized corporations and overseas representative offices to carry out
the tasks delegated by the head office.
Article 6
CNOOC shall, by means of calling for bids and signing petroleum contracts,
cooperate with foreign enterprises to exploit petroleum resources in
accordance with the zones, surface areas and areas of cooperation with
foreign enterprises for the exploitation of petroleum resources.
The petroleum contracts referred to in the preceding paragraph shall come
into force upon approval by the Foreign Investment Commission of the
People's Republic of China. All the documents signed by CNOOC for other
forms of cooperative exploitation of petroleum resources utilizing
technology and funds provided by foreign enterprises shall also be subject
to approval by Foreign Investment Commission of the People's Republic of

Chapter II Rights and Obligations of the Parties to Petroleum Contracts
Article 7
CNOOC shall cooperate with foreign enterprises to exploit offshore
petroleum resources by means of entering into petroleum contracts, and,
unless otherwise specified by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry or in a
petroleum contract, the foreign enterprise party to the petroleum contract
(hereafter "foreign contractor") shall provide the investment to carry out
prospecting, be responsible for prospecting operations and bear all
prospecting risks; after a commercial oil (gas) field is discovered, both
the foreign contractor and CNOOC shall provide the investment for its
cooperative development, and the foreign contractor shall be responsible
for the development operations and production operations until CNOOC takes
over the production operations when conditions permit as provided in the
petroleum contract. The foreign contractor, in accordance with the
provisions of the petroleum contract, recovers its investment and expenses
and receives remuneration out of the petroleum produced.
Article 8
The foreign contractor may export the petroleum due to it and the
petroleum it purchases, and may also, in accordance with the law, remit
abroad the investment it recovers, its profits and its other legitimate
Article 9
All Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises participating in the
cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum resources shall pay taxes
in accordance with the law and shall pay mining royalties.
All the employees of the enterprises referred to in the preceding
paragraph shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the law.
Article 10
The equipment and materials imported for carrying out the petroleum
contract shall be subject to tax at a reduced rate, or be exempted from
tax, or be given other preferen-tax treatment in accordance with state
Article 11
The foreign contractor shall open a bank account in accordance with the
provisions of the Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the
People's Republic of China.
Article 12
In carrying out the petroleum contract, the foreign contractor shall use
appropriate and advanced technology and management experience and shall be
obligated to transfer the technology and pass on the experience to the
personnel of the Chinese side involved in carrying out the petroleum-
contract (hereafter "Chinese personnel"); in petroleum operations, the
foreign contractor must give preference in employment to Chinese
personnel, progressively increase the percentage of Chinese personnel and
train Chinese personnel in a planned way.
Article 13
In carrying out the petroleum contract, the foreign contractor must
promptly and accurately report to CNOOC on the situation of petroleum
operations; and it must acquire complete and accurate data, records,
samples, vouchers and other original data with respect to the various
aspects of the petroleum operations, and regularly submit to CNOOC the
required data and samples as well as various technological, economic,
financial and accounting, and administrative reports.
Article 14
In carrying out the petroleum contract, the foreign contractor shall
establish a branch or subsidiary or representative office within the
territory of the People's Republic of China and fulfil registration
formalities in accordance with the law.
The location of the offices referred to in the preceding paragraph shall
be determined through consultation with CNOOC.
Article 15
The provisions of Articles 3, 8, 9, 10 and 14 of these Regulations shall,
by analogy, apply to foreign subcontractors that render services in
connection with the petroleum operations.

Chapter III Petroleum Operations
Article 16
In order to achieve the highest possible oil recovery factor, the operator
must, in accordance with these Regulations and the relevant provisions
promulgated by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry on the exploitation of
petroleum resources and in the light of international practice, formulate
an overall development program for the oil (gas) field and carry on
production operations.
Article 17
In carrying out the petroleum contract, the foreign contractor shall use
the existing bases within the territory of the People's Republic of China,
and, if new bases are needed, they must be established within the
territory of the People's Republic of China. The specific locations of
the new bases referred to in the preceding paragraph, and other
arrangements that may be necessary in special circumstances, must all be
subject to the written approval of CNOOC.
Article 18
CNOOC shall have the right to send personnel to join the foreign operator
in making master designs and engineering designs for carrying out the
petroleum contract. Designing corporations within the territory of the
People's Republic of China shall enjoy priority in entering into
subcontracts for the master designs and engineering designs mentioned
above, provided that their terms are competitive.
Article 19
With respect to all facilities required to be built in carrying out the
petroleum contract, including artificial islands, platforms, buildings and
structures, when signing subcontracts, the operator must give preference
to manufacturing plants and engineering corporations within the territory
of the People's Republic of China, provided that they are competitive in
terms of quality, price, time of delivery and services.
Article 20
With respect to the equipment and materials required to carry out the
petroleum contract, the operator and subcontractors must give preference
to procuring and utilizing equipment and materials manufactured and
supplied by the People's Republic of China, provided that these are
Article 21
With respect to services that are required to carry out the petroleum
contract, such as those for geophysical prospecting, well-drilling,
diving, aircraft, ships and bases, the operator and subcontractors must
enter into subcontracts and service contracts with relevant departments
within the territory of the People's Republic of China, provided that they
are competitive in terms of price, efficiency and services.
Article 22
The ownership of all assets purchased or built by the foreign contractor
to carry out the petroleum contract in accordance with the plan and
budget, excluding equipment leased from a third party, shall belong to
CNOOC after the foreign contractor's investment has been compensated as
provided for, and, within the term of the contract, the foreign contractor
may continue to use those assets in accordance with the provisions of the
Article 23
CNOOC shall have the ownership of all of the data, records, samples,
vouchers and other original data with respect to the petroleum operations
stipulated in Article 13 of these Regulations.
The utilization and transfer, donation, exchange, sale and publication of
the previously mentioned data, records, samples, vouchers and other
original data and their export and transmission from the People's Republic
of China must all be conducted in accordance with the "Provisions on the
Control of Data" formulated by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.
Article 24
In the course of petroleum operations, the operator and subcontractors
shall comply with the relevant laws and provisions on environmental
protection and safety of the People's Republic of China, and shall, in the
light of international practice, protect fishery resources and other
natural resources and prevent the environment, including the air, seas,
rivers, lakes and land, from being polluted or damaged, when conducting
Article 25
The petroleum produced within the petroleum contract area shall be landed
in the People's Republic of China or may be exported from oil (gas)
metering points on offshore terminals. In case such petroleum has to be
landed at point outside the People's Republic of China, the approval of
the Ministry of Petroleum Industry must be obtained.
Article 26
In circumstances of war, the threat of war or other emergencies, the
Chinese Government shall have the right to compulsory purchase or
requisition of a portion or all of the petroleum due to it or purchased by
the foreign contractor.

Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
Article 27
Any dispute arising between foreign and Chinese enterprises during the
cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum resources shall be settled
through friendly consultations. If it cannot be resolved through
consultation, mediation and arbitration may be conducted by an arbitration
body of the People's Republic of China, or the parties to the contract may
agree upon arbitration by another arbitration body.
Article 28
In case an operator or contractor violates the provisions of these
Regulations in conducting petroleum operations, the Ministry of Petroleum
Industry shall have the right to issue a warning and set a deadline for
correction. If no correction can be made prior to the specified deadline,
the Ministry of Petroleum Industry shall have the right to adopt necessary
measures, even up to the suspension of implementation of petroleum
operations. All economic losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the
party responsible. A party responsible for serious violations of these
Regulations may be fined by and/or even be subject to legal action filed
with the judicial organs by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.
Article 29
The terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:
(1) "Petroleum" means crude oil or natural gas deposited underground,
currently being extracted or already extracted.
(2) "Exploitation" means, in general, the exploration for and development,
production and marketing of petroleum, as well as other related
(3) "Petroleum contract" means a contract signed, in accordance with the
law, between CNOOC and foreign enterprises for the cooperative
exploitation of offshore petroleum resources of the People's Republic of
China, including the exploration for and development and production of
(4) "Contract area" means a surface area designated within a sea area
demarcated by geographical coordinates in the petroleum contract for the
cooperative exploitation of petroleum resources.
(5) "Petroleum operations" means all exploration, development and
production operations and other related activities conducted in carrying
out the petroleum contract.
(6) "Exploration operations" means all work done to locate the
petroleum-bearing traps by means of geological, geophysical and
geochemical methods and including drilling exploratory wells, etc., and
all work done to determine the commerciality of discovered petroleum
traps, including appraisal drilling, feasibility studies and preparation
of the overall development program for an oil
(gas) field.
(7) "Development operations" means projects, such as those for designing,
construction, installation and drilling, and corresponding research work,
conducted from the date of the approval of the overall development program
for an oil (gas) field by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, in order to
bring about petroleum production, including production activities carried
out before the commencement of commercial production.
(8) "Production operations" means all operations for producing petroleum
conducted after the date of commencement of the commercial production of
an oil (gas)
field and related activities, such as extraction, injection, production
stimulation, processing, storage and transportation and lifting of
petroleum and other operations.
(9) "Foreign contractor" means a foreign enterprise that signs a petroleum
contract with CNOOC. The foreign enterprises may be a corporation or a
consortium of corporations.
(10) "Operator" means an entity that is responsible for implementing the
operations pursuant to the provisions of the petroleum contract.
(11) "Subcontractor" means an entity that renders services to the
Article 30
Rules for the implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by
the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.
Article 31
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.